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Competitive Cheer Program Details

2024 2nd in State!

The goal of the DVC Competition Squad is to  provide the opportunity for a well-rounded cheer experience.  Competition Squad members will still be required to participate in all game and sideline squad practices, team events and will recognize they are a part of a larger DVC family with shared  aspirations. 

Practice Design 

The DVC Competitive Cheer squad will have one competition practice per week June & August, adding one additional day per week starting in September.  All competition practices will be held at either Naperville North or Naperville Central High Schools and will utilize a full competition floor set of mats.  

Skills that will be used within the competition routine will be taught, practiced and performed during sideline practices and games.  Mastering choreography, transitions, stunt sequences and skill consistency will be the focus of competition practices.  We will be following C3’s Champion-Minded Team Culture philosophies to best prepare athletes for their high school cheer programs. 



Attendance at all practices is required.  A competition team  cannot have effective practices or perform successfully with absent participants. Due to the nature of the sport, a practice missed by one cheerleader has a significant impact on the squad; particularly on that cheerleader’s stunt group, who are unable to stunt without every member present. In addition, when the coach must re-teach material to those who have been absent, the whole squad’s practice time suffers.  If absences become excessive for any reason, and deter from the overall squad’s success, a cheerleader may become an alternate and forfeit their opportunity to perform at competitions.  Should these circumstances  arise a meeting with the DVC leadership team, the family and the coaches will take place to determine if alternate status is warranted.  

The expected arrival time for all practices is 15 minutes prior to the start to allow for the rolling out of cheer mats and team check-ins.  Attendance should be uploaded into the Sports Engine App as soon as possible.  Any change to the original reported attendance must be reported DIRECTLY to the coach.  Practices are for coaches & athletes only, unless otherwise specified.

**Summer practice attendance is encouraged.  This addition is a result of the new ICA calendar.  Summer practices will be used to try new skills and learn drills to be practiced at home.  This is a time for the coaches to begin brainstorming ideas to incorporate into competition routines.  We understand that this is a new expectation, and just ask that you do your best to attend.

Practice Attire   

DVC issued T/tank, athletic shorts, cheer or gym shoes, hair pulled back and a bow.  No jewelry (including watches), no candy, no gum.  Phone and Apple Watch use will NOT be allowed during DVC practices.  All cheerleaders should bring a water bottle.  


Additional Cost

Competition will be an additional cost to the Sideline program.  

Uniform Extras

In 2025 there will be a new Competition Uniform with a new Competition Bow.


DVC will compete in two ICA Competitions with the possibility of competing at the State Championships pending qualification (competing Friday & Sunday).  Possible competition dates are listed below.  Similar to last year, if the squad(s) qualify for State, there will be an additional entry fee charge.